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by polimediauk

























Too much blubber

Jun 15th 2006
From The Economist print edition

It is time to look rationally at the idea of resuming whaling

“NUKE the whales” was the message on a badge once popular with those tired of the self-righteous posturing of the extreme wing of the environmental movement. It has not come to that. But a subtler threat to the great beasts is afoot. Japan wants to resume commercial whaling—and it may eventually get permission to do so.

Japan is accused of buying votes on the International Whaling Commission, the body that regulates the whaling industry, which is starting its annual meeting on June 16th in St Kitts. Founded in 1948 by seven countries with large whaling fleets, namely America, Australia, Britain, France, Norway, South Africa and the Soviet Union, the commission has attracted some odd members recently. Many of them are small places with no history of whaling: Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and St Kitts itself, for example. Several, such as Hungary, Mali, Mongolia and Switzerland, are landlocked. What many of these new members have in common is that they are recipients of Japanese aid money. Some are even said to have had their subscriptions to the commission paid by Japan.

Environmentalists are up in arms. In 1986 the commission agreed to a moratorium on commercial whaling (though Norway opted out). Overturning this moratorium is Japanese government policy. At the moment, it does not have enough support to do so (three-quarters of the commission's 70 members would have to be in favour) but Japanese officials believe their country has enough allies at this year's meeting to make some progress. In particular, Japan is suggesting that future ballots should be secret. Winning that change would require only a simple majority, and with secret voting waverers might be more ready to vote Japan's way in future.

Yet all this criticism of underhand tactics rests on an untested assumption—that the moratorium should not be lifted. Is that assumption correct? The moratorium has certainly been a success. Whale numbers are rising. Even the blue whale, the largest mammal, is recovering slowly. Some humpback-whale populations are growing at 7% a year. And no one, not even the Japanese, is talking about resuming hunting still-rare blue whales or humpbacks just yet.

Yet the commission's convention is clear: its purpose is to conserve whales in the context of a commercial fishery, not because they are “charismatic megafauna” that should be preserved for their own sake. In this context, it is perfectly reasonable for Japan to want to re-examine the moratorium.

Conscious decisions
The idea of charismatic megafauna hardly existed in 1948. There needs to be an honest debate about how humanity should treat whales. Both sides muddy the waters. Conservationists protest about the methods used to kill whales, saying they are cruel. They might be, but that is not the point, unless there really is a lobby that would accept the humane killing of whales. On the other side, the Japanese and their Icelandic allies hunt minke whales, which are still reasonably abundant, under the guise of scientific research. In practice, this is commercial fishing with a side order of science.

Should whales be treated like any other type of animal which some humans want to hunt, namely protected when rare, but hunted when common? Or is there something special about them that means that they should never be hunted? Biologists have come to recognise that great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and so on) have mental faculties of self-awareness and consciousness that they share with humans but that neither shares with, say, monkeys. A few other big-brained social mammals, such as elephants, are thought by some to have evolved similar capacities. Whales may be among these species. Some places—Spain, for example—are discussing changing the law to recognise this distinction in apes. But on whales, there are no data.

In the absence of data, the commission should stick to its brief. But here is a suggestion: put the whole thing on a proper economic basis. The Japanese fleet is heavily subsidised. Without government cash, there would be less enthusiasm to hunt a creature ever fewer Japanese want to eat. Sadly the commission has no remit over that; but, if it does vote to resume commercial whaling (as it has the right to do), it should not create a system of quotas allocated by country. Instead, it should put whale-hunting rights up for auction, allowing both killers and conservationists to bid. The chances are that those who prefer whales to swim free would be able to outbid the few remaining humans who like eating them.
by polimediauk | 2006-06-29 06:42 | 欧州表現の自由